Busboys and Poets “Belief+Doubt” Poetry Showcase
Barbara Kruger, Belief+Doubt, 2012. © Barbara Kruger. Photo: Cathy Carver
Friday, April 12, 2013
8 pm
Hirshhorn Lobby and Lower Level
Busboys and Poets, a DC-area group of restaurants and multicultural arts venues, presents a poetry showcase in celebration of Barbara Kruger’s Belief+Doubt.
$10 tickets are required and must be purchased in advance at http://beliefdoubtpoetryshowcase.eventbrite.com/.
Featured poets and genres include:
Danielle Evennou, co-host of Sparkle Queer Open Mic, is a Larry Neal Award recipient whohas performed her work in tattoo parlors, on the Gowanus Canal, distinguished universities, and even in laundromats.
American Sign Language (ASL)
DJ Supalee, host of ASL Open Mic, is a successful Disk jockey, Deaf Humanitarian award winner and National Nightlife promoter
The DC Youth Slam Team, a program of Split This Rock, uses poetry to teach and empower teens from the DC area to speak up about issues of social justice and represents the District each year at regional and international poetry slam festivals. Member of the team regularly perform at Youth Open Mic.
Sarah Browning, host of Sunday Kind of Love, is Executive Director of Split This Rock: Poetry of Provocation & Witness, author of Whiskey in the Garden of Eden, and cohost of Sunday Kind of Love at Busboys and Poets.
2Deep, host of 11th Hour Poetry Slam, is an MFA actress, a poet, an author, and a slam champion who captures an audience with her thought-provoking words and overall entertaining personality.
Your host for the evening, Bomani Armah, is an Artist, Edu-Tainer and Creative Concierge. Bomani is the Director of Poetry Events (D.O.P.E.) for Busboys and Poets. He is “not a rapper but a poet with a hip-hop style”. Learn more about him and his work at www.notarapper.com