Guitar and Clarinet

Henri Laurens, French, b. Paris, 1885–1954
The Artist
Galerie Leiris, Paris, c. 1920-1958 (acquired from the Artist)
Saidenberg Gallery, New York, to 1961 (acquired from Leiris)
Joseph H. Hirshhorn, New York, 1961-17 May 1966
Gift of Joseph H. Hirshhorn, 1966
Exhibition History
EIGELSTEINTORBURG, Cologne. "Henri Laurens: 1885-1954," 2 October-6 November 1955, no. 3, ill. TOUR: KAISER WILHELM MUSEUM, Krefeld, 17 November-27 December; KUNSTVEREIN, Hamburg; KUNSTHALLE, Basel, 10 April-13 May 1956; HAUS AM WALDSEE, Berlin, 15 April-20 May 1956.
GALERIE LOUISE LEIRIS, Paris. "Henri Laurens, sculptures en pierre, 1919-1943" 29 October-29 November 1958, no. 6, colorpl. 6.
SOLOMON R. GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM, New York. "Modern Sculpture from the Joseph H. Hirshhorn Collection," 3 October 1962-6 January 1963, no. 229, ill. p. 71.
HIRSHHORN MUSEUM AND SCULPTURE GARDEN, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. "Inaugural Exhibition," 4 October 1974-15 September 1975.
PHILADELPHIA MUSEUM OF ART, PA. “Fernand Leger and the Modern City” 3 October 2013-5 January 2014.
Published References
LAURENS, MARTHE. Henri Laurens, sculpteur (Paris: Pierre Beres, 1955), ill. p. 64.
LIMBOUR, GEORGES. "Paris Chronique," Art International 2/9/10 (December 1958-January 1959), p. 29.
GOLDSCHEIDER, CECILE. Laurens (New York: Universe, 1959), ill.
BRUGUIERE, P. G. "Pierres sculptées d'Henri Laurens," Cahiers d'Art 33-35 (1960), ill. p. 129.
MICHELSON, ANNETTE. "Private but Public: The Joseph H. Hirshhorn Collection," Contemporary Sculpture, Arts Yearbook 8 (1965), p. 188.
ARNASON, H. HARVARD. History of Modern Art, (New York: Abrams, 1968), p. 191, colorpl. 67.
KAHNWEILER, DANIEL-HENRY, and FRANCIS CREMIEUX. My Galleries and Painters, trans. Helen Weaver (New York: Viking, 1971), ill. p. 16.
K. R. "Acquisitions of Modern Art by Museums," Burlington Magazine 116/860 (November 1974), ill. 131, p. 706.
LERNER, ABRAM, et al. The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden (New York: Abrams, 1974), p. 711, colorpl. 352.
COURTHION, PIERRE. "Le plus grand musee de sculpture du monde: La Collection Hirshhorn," XXe Siecle no. 45 (December 1975), p. 29.
UNSIGNED. Music Calendar (New York: C. F. Peters Corp., 1977), ill. August-September.
H. H. ARNASON. History of Modern Art, third ed. rev. by Daniel Wheeler (New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1986), colorpl. 69.
AQUIN, STEPHANE, et al. Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden: The Collection (New York: DelMonico Books, 2022), pl. 30, p. 54.
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Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden Collection
Credit Line
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, Gift of Joseph H. Hirshhorn, 1966
Data Source
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden
Accession Number
Limestone and paint
12 5/8 x 14 5/8 x 3 1/2 in. (32.1 x 37.1 x 8.9 cm)