b. Long Beach, California, 1923–2004
A Western Prospect of Egg and Dart
Printed paper and jigsaw puzzle pieces mounted on foamcore board
56 1/4 × 79 3/4 in. (142.8 × 202.6 cm)
Gift of the Marion L. Ring Estate, by Exchange, 1989 (89.18)
The Jess Collins Trust. © Tibor de Nagy Gallery, New York. Photo: Cathy Carver
b. Long Beach, California, 1923–2004
A Western Prospect of Egg and Dart
Printed paper and jigsaw puzzle pieces mounted on foamcore board
56 1/4 × 79 3/4 in. (142.8 × 202.6 cm)
Gift of the Marion L. Ring Estate, by Exchange, 1989 (89.18)
The Jess Collins Trust. © Tibor de Nagy Gallery, New York. Photo: Cathy Carver