Visual Music
Jun 23–Sep 11, 2005

June 23 to September 11, 2005
The Hirshhorn and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (LAMOCA), co-organized the first exhibition in the United States to examine the many forms of visual music, an interdisciplinary, broad-based art movement that explores the relationship of abstraction, color, and music. Accompanied by a 272-page catalogue, the presentation brought together the work of 50 artists and an array of media, including painting, photography, film, light projection, computer graphics, and immersive environments. The exhibition was curated by the Hirshhorn’s Kerry Brougher and Judith Zilczer and LAMOCA’s Jeremy Strick and Ari Wiseman. Visual Music was organized by the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles.
The exhibition was supported by an indemnity from the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities. Generous funding was provided by Altria Group, Inc. Additional support was provided by the Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Studies Program; the NASA Art Program; and the David W. Bermant Foundation: Color, Light, Motion, Inc. The presentation at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden was made possible by the Hirshhorn’s Board of Trustees with additional support from Barbara and Aaron Levine. Hotel Sponsor: Hyatt Arlington. The presentation at MOCA was made possible through the generous support of The Sydney Irmas Exhibition Endowment; the Annenberg Foundation; Lillian and Jon Lovelace; Audrey M. Irmas; Geraldine and Harold Alden; The Bilger Foundation; E. Blake Byrne; Cynthia A. Miscikowski and Douglas R. Ring; the National Endowment for the Arts; Kathi and Gary Cypres; The MOCA Projects Council; Vivian and Hans Buehler; Mandy and Clifford J. Einstein; Betye Monell Burton; Pamela J. and George A. Smith; and the W.L.S. Spencer Foundation. In-kind support was provided by DVLABS, Inc. and Martin Professional, Inc.
On view at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, February 13-May 22, 2005