Hirshhorn Plaza

Ed Atkins, Still from Warm, Warm, Warm Spring Mouths, 2013. Courtesy of the artist; Cabinet, London; Gavin Brown’s enterprise, New York; Isabella Bortolozzi Galerie, Berlin; and Dépendance, Brussels

Ed Atkins, Still from Warm, Warm, Warm Spring Mouths, 2013. Courtesy of the artist; Cabinet, London; Gavin Brown’s enterprise, New York; Isabella Bortolozzi Galerie, Berlin; and Dépendance, Brussels

Friday Gallery Talk: Gianni Jetzer on Suspended Animation
Friday, March 18
12:30 pm, Meet at the Information Desk

Curator-at-large Gianni Jetzer discusses the works in his first Hirshhorn exhibition, Suspended Animation.