Image Requests

The Hirshhorn offers high-resolution images of collection objects for scholarly, personal, or commercial uses.
- SCHOLARLY: Includes academic publications such as catalogues and peer-reviewed articles and entries.
- PERSONAL: Includes educational and research purposes only, and images may not be published or reproduced.
- COMMERCIAL: Includes, but not limited to, textbooks, for-profit publications, commercial television, video reproductions, and printed material available to a wide audience. The Hirshhorn works with Smithsonian Enterprises to prepare contracts and determine fees for such uses, appropriate to the type of request. Image Service fees apply and will be added to the Smithsonian Enterprises invoice. All Commercial Requests require 4 weeks to process in addition to our normal photo request timeline.
All image requests require 8 weeks to process. Requests with shorter deadlines are subject to a Rush Service fee per requested image in addition to our standard Image Service fee:
- $100 for 1-week deadline
- $75 for 2-week deadline
- $60 for 3-week deadline
- $50 for 4-week deadline
- $40 for 5- to 6-week deadline
- $30 for 7-week deadline
More information on Image Service fees will be provided to you after we receive your Image Request Form.
All high-resolution images are sent at least 300dpi in RGB color and are intended for color reproductions. Images are sent via electronic transfer with a 30-day download window.
Public Domain Works
As of February 25, 2020, the Smithsonian Institution has released millions of collection records and images into the public domain. The Hirshhorn joined this effort by identifying several hundred works of art as CC0, or No Rights Reserved. These works show the CC0 icon on our Collection Search webpage, and images of these works are free to download for personal and academic purposes. Additional information about Hirshhorn’s Open Access efforts can be found on the Museum’s Open Access webpage. More information about the Smithsonian’s Open Access efforts can be found on the Smithsonian’s Open Access website.
Certain works of art, as well as photographs of those works, may be protected by copyright, trademark, or related interests not owned by the Institution. The responsibility for ascertaining any other necessary permission remains with the applicant. Please see the Smithsonian Institution’s Terms of Use.
Please contact ARS, the United States’ major artist rights holder, for additional rights.
Please direct all press inquiries to Visit our Press Room for further information and updated press releases.
An invoice will be provided to you that outlines the Image Service fees due upon the processing of each request. We accept payment in US dollars by credit card, check, or wire transfer (with additional fees for international transfers). All fees are nonrefundable. Fees are due prior to receiving permission and image(s).
Contact Information
Image Request Fulfillment Coordinator
Mailing Address
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden
MRC 355
P.O. Box 37012
Washington, DC 20013-7012