Clothing Composition/Composición de Ropa

Articles of clothing lie in the shape of two figures in profile facing each other; two gold tennis shoes lie in lower corners with a yellow shoe in the center

Clothing Composition

Composición de Ropa

Shape your clothes to create a composition as colorful as Rufino Tamayo’s prints. Your wardrobe is your paint palette!

We want to see your creations! Share on social media @hirshhorn with #HirshhornInsideOut.

Time: 20 minutes
Skill Level: Beginner
Topic: Composition

Articles of clothing lie in the shape of two figures in profile facing each other; two gold tennis shoes lie in lower corners with a yellow shoe in the center

Dale forma a tu ropa para crear una composición tan colorida como las impresiones de Rufino Tamayo. ¡Tu armario es tu paleta de pintor!

¡Queremos ver tus creaciones! Comparte en social media @hirshhorn con #HirshhornInsideOut.

Tiempo: 20 minutos
Nivel de habilidad: Principiante
Tópico: Composición


What do you see? Notice the colors! How many do you see? Which colors seem realistic? Which don’t?

Describe the two forms. What do you think they are doing? Stand in front of a partner (a sibling, an adult, or even a mirror) and look deeply into each other’s eyes for one minute. Look back at the painting. What do you see now that you didn’t notice before?

This artwork is called Dos Cabezas, which translates to Two Heads, and is by Mexican artist Rufino Tamayo. Dos Cabezas is a lithograph which means the artist painted on a stone surface and then transferred the image to paper.

Two one-dimensional figures in profile face each other against a bright red/orange background, left figure is entirely green with a pink face, right figure is purple with a pink face.

Rufino Tamayo, Two Heads,1975. Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, The Joseph H. Hirshhorn Bequest, 1981.


¿Qué ves? ¡Observa los colores! ¿Cuántos ves? ¿Qué colores parecen realistas? ¿Cuáles no?

Describe las dos formas. ¿Qué piensas que están haciendo? Párate frente a un compañero/a (un hermano/a, adulto, o incluso un espejo) y mira profundamente a los ojos por un minuto. Mira la pintura de nuevo. ¿Qué ves ahora, que no notaste antes?

Esta obra se llama Dos Cabezas, y está hecha por el artista Mexicano Rufino Tamayo. Dos Cabezas es una litografía, o sea que el artista pintó sobre una superficie de piedra y luego transfirió la imagen al papel.

Rufino Tamayo was born in Oaxaca, Mexico in 1899. His mom was a tailor; his dad was a shoemaker. Tamayo studied art in Mexico City and loved experimenting with all types of unusual materials to make art. Tamayo believed that using the right colors was more important than using many. Even with few colors, his works are bright and rich. He’s known for his figurative abstractions. This means he liked to represent people and objects from the world around us, but not in the exact way they look in real life.

See more works by Rufino Tamayo in the Hirshhorn collection.

Black-and-white photograph of the artist sitting and smiling at the camera, his dark hair combed back, wearing a gray tweed jacket with white shirt and black tie.

Paul Juley. Rufino Tamayo. Peter A. Juley & Son Collection. Smithsonian American Art Museum. Photographer: Paul Juley

Rufino Tamayo nació en Oaxaca, México en 1899. Su mamá era sastre; su papá un zapatero. Tamayo estudió arte en Ciudad de México y amaba experimentar con todo tipo de materiales inusuales para hacer arte. Tamayo creía que usar los colores correctos era más importante que usar muchos. Incluso con pocos colores, sus obras son ricas y brillantes. Es conocido por sus abstracciones figurativas. Esto significa que le gustaba representar a personas y objetos del mundo que nos rodea, pero no de la forma exacta en que se ven en la vida real.

Mira más obras por Rufino Tamayoen la colección del Hirshhorn.


Rufino Tamayo is known for his bright and colorful prints. For this project, we take inspiration from his childhood, growing up with a mother as a tailor and a father as a shoemaker. We’ll use clothes and shoes as the materials for creating compositions.


Rufino Tamayo es conocido por sus impresiones brillantes y coloridas. Para este proyecto, nos inspiramos en su infancia, creciendo con una madre como sastre y un padre como zapatero. Usaremos ropa y zapatos como materiales para crear composiciones.

  1. Gather your materials: Let’s go wardrobe foraging! Look for colorful shirts, socks, pants, and shoes. Find some clothing that is patterned, and some that is solid. What other clothing items might work for your composition?
  2. Set up your canvas: Lay down the canvas for your composition. You can use one big piece or several little pieces to create the background.
  3. Fold and Mold: You can make neat folds, or scrunch clothing into the shapes in the artwork. What do you prefer?
  4. Layer up: Add layers and arrange your own composition with the colors of the fabrics until you’re happy with the result.
  5. It’s all in the details. Fluff, crinkle, wrap, or pinch your clothes to create volume, texture, and more defined shapes (like a nose).
  6. Where do the shoes go? For the model project, we placed them at the bottom of our composition to form a landscape. Where will you place the shoes in your composition?
  7. ¡Listo! Look at what you created! You can do this again and again with other artworks and other items from your closet. Just remember to clean up and put everything back when you finish.
Close-up of a pile of clothing including a red patterned blouse, tan scarf, black scarf with blue and green flowers, and plain red blouse.Large, red, paisley patterned scarf, laid flat.Two balled up shirts lie side by side on the red, paisley patterned scarf. One is plain red, the other is red with blue leaves.Blue shirt and black scarf are added to create the shape of two figures in profile facing each other, a hand reaches to pinch the fabric of one figure into a nose.Articles of clothing lie in the shape of two figures in profile facing each other; two gold tennis shoes lie in lower corners with a yellow shoe in the center
  1. Junta tus materiales: ¡Busquemos ropa en el armario! Busca camisas, calcetines, pantalones y zapatos coloridos. Encuentra prendas con estampados y otras de color sólido. ¿Qué otras prendas pueden funcionar para tu composición?
  2. Prepara tu lienzo: Coloca el lienzo para tu composición. Puedes usar una prenda grande o varias pequeñas para crear el fondo.
  3. Dobla y Moldea: Puedes hacer pliegues limpios, o estrujar la ropa en las formas de la obra de arte. ¿Qué prefieres?
  4. Capa sobre capa: Añade capas y organiza tu propia composición con los colores de las telas hasta que estés feliz con el resultado.
  5. Todo está en los detalles. Esponja, arruga, envuelve, o pellizca tus ropa para crear volumen, textura, y formas más definidas (como una nariz).
  6. ¿Dónde van los zapatos? Para el proyecto modelo, los colocamos en la parte inferior de nuestra composición para formar un paisaje. ¿Dónde colocarás los zapatos en tu composición?
  7. ¡Listo! ¡Mira lo que creaste! Puedes hacer esto una y otra vez con otras obras de arte y otros artículos de tu armario. Solo recuerda limpiar y poner todo en su sitio cuando termines.